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Photoshop CS4 is a sophisticated and powerful program that can enable photographers to find, optimize, and prepare their images for output. However, since itâs also used by graphic artists, it contains many tools that are not essential for photographers. This VTC course is designed to hone in on just the tools and techniques that photographers need in order to make their images the best they can be without wasting time on tools that are less suited for photographers. Ellen Anon will take you through the new features in CS4 before tackling Bridge and Camera Raw. You will learn the basics of Photoshop, including layer masks, before you continue on to more advanced techniques, such as adding copyrights, using content aware scaling, extending exposure latitude, and more! Work files are included. To begin learning Adobe Photoshop CS4 for Photographers today, simply click one of the topics below.
Welcome to the Photoshop CS4 for Photographers video training series. I'm Ellen Anon. In this series of movies, I'm going to show you how to use the features of Photoshop that are the most helpful for photographers. Photoshop is a huge program designed for both graphic artists as well as photographers and as such, there are features that are essential for graphic artists but are very limited use for most photographers and vice-versa. I'm going to concentrate on those features that you, as a photographer, need to know. It's often said that in Photoshop there are at least a dozen ways to accomplish any particular goal. That can make it daunting and confusing to figure out ahead of time what you need to know and what you don't. One of the advantages of this training series is that I'll be teaching you just what you need to know. Sometimes I'll show you several ways to do accomplish a task because one technique might be better suited to one type image than another and you yourself might feel more comfortable with one approach than another. I urge you to watch each movie and then immediately try the techniques yourself. Have Photoshop open while you're watching the videos. Don't hesitate to pause the video and have a go at the technique yourself. That way you'll immediately note any area that's more difficult or troublesome for you and you can watch that section of the movie again. If you're already been using Photoshop, the chances are that you may have developed some habits; perhaps some good one and perhaps some that are less efficient. Most of my students find it helpful to give my methods a try, even when they already have a way to do the task at hand, then adopt the techniques that work best for you and even if you think you're unlikely to ever use something, you might want to watch the movie and try it anyway. With the advent of digital photography, it's no longer just about taking the picture and then popping prints into an album, negatives into a shoebox and slides into a slide holder. You need to have ways to store your images, to find them easily and to make them look their best, no matter what output media you use, from print to web to slideshows, et cetera and you want to be able to do that quickly and efficiently so you're not spending unnecessary time at your computer. The more tools that are in your toolbox, the better prepared you'll be to handle whatever situation arises. The order in which I present the topics is in most cases fairly close to the order that you'll encounter the issues in your workflow. There are lots of workflows out there and there isn't a single right way. Don't get caught up in worrying that so and so does X first, but I do Y first. You can customize the workflow to fit your individual needs. Let's get started.