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QuickTime 5 Pro is Appleâs complete technological tool for handling video, audio, animation, graphics, music, and more.
In Virtual Training Companyâs tutorial, author Matt Neutra takes you through everything from quality video and audio play back using the QuickTime Player, to media authoring and editing. He will show you how to modify visual data, how to choose the settings for delivery, and some quick tips for QuickTime. You can start learning right away by clicking on one of the movie links below.
I'd like to say a few things about this training CD. The CD is made up of these QuickTime movies that you see on the screen and these movies are organized into chapters. You'll notice that when I play movies in the tutorials, the movement in the movies seem a little bit choppy and this is a function of the recording software that I'm using. The software that I'm using records at only four frames a second effectively at this screen resolution. And also I'm recording in 256 colors and I also have to operate with the screen resolution of 800 x 600. So, the quality of the movie is a function of these settings and is a constraint that I have to work under. The rest assured there is nothing wrong with your computer. The dithering on the screen is simply in the movie and is a function of the software I'm using to record these movies. Also note that for the most part, I will be creating these movies and talking about QuickTime in the context of Mac OS 9.2. I will jump into Mac OS 10 and show you what QuickTime looks like under Mac OS 10, and I'll also show you what it looks like under Windows. In the case of using key commands when I use or give you a Mac key command, I will also give you the corresponding Windows key command as well.