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In this VTC course, veteran instructor Bobby Rogers prepares you for the ISC2 Information System Security Engineering Professional (ISSEP) certification exam. Designed for persons already holding a current CISSP certification, the course will cover all 4 domains of the ISSEP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK): Information System Security Engineering, Certification and Accreditation, Technical Management, and US Government IA Publications. This course covers the new March 2012 objectives. To begin learning today, simply click on the movie links.
Welcome to the Virtual Training Company's ISSEP Review Course. I'm Bobby Rogers and I'm going to be your guide and facilitator throughout this course. I've created this course to help you study for ISC2's ISSEP Exam. Now this course is going to help you prepare for that exam, the Information System's Security Engineering Professional Exam or ISSEP as it's called for short from the International Information System Security Certification Consortium Incorporated or ISC2 as we like to call it for short. Now the ISSEP is an advanced level certification that you would normally get after achieving your CISSP. Once you achieve that certification you have several certification options to show advanced level knowledge in a particular subject. The ISSEP shows a specialization in the information system security engineering or ISSC profession. Now of course in order to sit for the ISSEP exam there are some prerequisites. First and foremost you have to already have your CISSP certification. You can't take the exam without that certification. You also have to have two years of experience in any of the domains. Not necessarily all of them just some of them. Now one thing we'd like to tell you upfront is that this course is a facilitative review only. It's not the same thing as sitting in a classroom environment. However, in some respects it could be a little bit better. Some people learn better in a self study environment than they do in a classroom environment and if that's the method for you then this is probably the course for you. Now you should know that this mirror the classroom environment in terms of studying for the right material. This course will review all of the exam objectives and domains that you need to pass the test. However, you should also know up front that this is a very advanced, difficult exam. An intense personal study is required. There's a lot of understanding and memorization of different topics and you need to memorize actually a lot of documents. Particularly government publications and we'll talk about those in just a moment. Now ISC2 assumes upfront that since you already have CISSP and you're going to sit for this exam that you already have a certain level of knowledge and experience for the exam. And we're going to assume that as well since we're teaching to that level for the ISSEP. Now this course will cover all four domains that you're expected to know from the ISSEP Common Body of Knowledge or CBK. The CBK basically lists by topic all the things you really need to know for the test, the exam objectives if you will. Let's talk about these objectives a little bit. The first one is the System Security Engineering or SSE Objective. This objective basically covers processes, methods and procedures for system security engineering. The second objective is the Certification and Accreditation Domain or C and A slash Risk Management Framework or RMF. This domain covers Government Certification and Accreditation processes as well as risk management procedures. The third domain, Technical Management covers processes and procedures that you would use to manage say a project, an engineering project or a software project. So you're going to actually learn a lot of project management techniques and processes. The fourth domain, and this is a mouthful now is the US Government Information Assurance Related Policies and Issuances. We usually don't call it that, we usually call it the Government Publications Domain. So when you hear us refer to that, that's what we're talking about. Now let's talk about the exam itself a little bit. There are 150 questions on the exam and you have about 3 hours to take it. It does cover all four domains but you should know that it does not cover all those domains equally. Some domains have a little bit more emphasis than others. For example the SSE domain is probably a good portion of the test. So you'll see most of the questions come from that domain. It does cover the other domains as well however. Now out of the 150 questions, there are 25 questions that are considered developmental and they are not counted in your scoring. So your score actually comes from 125 questions. These developmental questions are basically put there by ISC2 to see how people respond to them. And what they'll do is based upon the responses they'll either revise the question or throw it out completely or possibly use it in a future version of the test. Either way they're not counted toward your final score. However since you don't know which questions are developmental and which are not it's to your advantage to answer each question to the best of your ability. Now the exam is offered at various times and locations throughout the year. It's up to you to schedule the exam for yourself through the ISC2 site. Now we're assuming since you're already a CISSP that you have access to the site and can schedule your own exam of course. Now the exam objectives in this course are current as of March 2012, that is the latest Candidate Information Bulletin at the time of this recording. However, you should always make sure that you have the very latest CIB because it contains the latest information on the exam and it still names the objectives. You have to download this from ISC2 we cannot provide it to you from VTC. Now that we've said all that, we're going to go ahead and plunge into the course. And we're going to talk about a few things to get your interest going and talk about some definitions and concepts and so forth. I'm looking forward to going with you through this course, facilitating it, guiding you through it and helping you to study for the ISSEP exam. So let's jump off and have a good time.