Adobe Director 11 Training
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To help you evaluate our training, we have made some of the tutorials for Adobe Director 11 freely available. Click on any of the linked lesson listings below to preview FREE!
Author James Gonzalez applies his many years of Director classroom teaching experience to present this introductory tutorial on the worldâs most powerful digital media development tool, Adobe Director 11. Director is the tool of choice for many web designers, game developers, graphic designers and animators for creating online games, 3D product demos, CD-based kiosk presentations, web-based e-learning applications, and much, much more. Using step-by-step demonstrations and instructions, this tutorial covers the techniques and know-how necessary for creating a wide range of interactive media applications. To begin learning today, simply click on the Adobe Director 11 movie links.
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Getting Started
About this Course | (03:40) | |
What is Director & Why Learn It? | (02:29) | |
What You Will Learn | (05:20) | |
New in Director 11 pt. 1 | (04:58) | |
New in Director 11 pt. 2 | (03:43) | |
Director 11 System Requirements | (02:07) | |
The Director Workspace
Understanding the Director Metaphor | (03:08) | |
The Director Windows | (05:11) | |
The Director Window Types | (03:04) | |
Navigating & Customizing the Director Workspace | (04:31) | |
The Stage | (03:31) | |
The Score | (04:21) | |
Changing Score Settings | (04:07) | |
The Cast Window pt. 1 | (04:58) | |
The Cast Window pt. 2 | (02:56) | |
The Control Panel | (06:53) | |
The Property Inspector | (05:18) | |
The Tool Palette | (06:39) | |
Cast Members
About Cast Members | (04:07) | |
Using the Cast Window | (06:01) | |
Using Bitmaps | (05:24) | |
About Importing Bitmaps | (06:32) | |
Bitmap Filters pt. 1 | (05:33) | |
Bitmap Filters pt. 2 | (05:51) | |
Creating Vector Shapes | (06:23) | |
Editing Vector Shapes pt. 1 | (05:51) | |
Editing Vector Shapes pt. 2 | (07:14) | |
Creating Sprites | (04:13) | |
Sprite Properties | (05:57) | |
Selecting Sprites | (06:38) | |
Position Sprites | (06:53) | |
Changing Sprite Appearance | (04:22) | |
Sprite Inks | (07:30) | |
Lighten & Darken Sprite Inks | (03:40) | |
About Using Text | (03:55) | |
Creating Text Cast Members | (05:47) | |
Editing & Formatting Text | (07:19) | |
Embedding Fonts in Movies | (03:37) | |
Converting Text to Bitmaps | (03:10) | |
Frame-by-Frame Animation | (04:49) | |
About Tweening | (06:24) | |
Tweening the Path of a Sprite | (07:28) | |
Accelerating & Decelerating Sprites | (03:51) | |
Switching a Sprite’s Cast Member | (04:11) | |
Using Film Loops | (06:45) | |
Setting Film Loop Properties | (07:13) | |
Step-Recording Animation | (05:06) | |
Real-Time Recording Animation | (06:01) | |
Color Tempo & Transitions
How Director Works with Color | (07:24) | |
Tempo Channel | (06:14) | |
Transitions | (06:41) | |
Importing Audio | (06:39) | |
Setting Sound Cast Member Properties | (02:43) | |
Controlling Sound in the Score | (04:26) | |
Sound Issues in Windows | (03:31) | |
About Shockwave Audio | (03:32) | |
Streaming Linked SWA & MP3 Files | (06:36) | |
Using Digital Video | (03:48) | |
Importing Digital Video Formats | (07:09) | |
Playing Back Digital Video | (05:15) | |
Working with Digital Video in the Score | (03:34) | |
Playing Digital Video Direct to Stage | (05:32) | |
Using Windows Media & RealMedia | (03:53) | |
Using DVD Media Content in Director | (04:32) | |
Using Digital Video on the Internet | (03:57) | |
Using Flash & Director Movies in the Score | (06:09) | |
Using Flash SWF Files in Director | (03:39) | |
Importing & Setting Flash Properties pt. 1 | (04:34) | |
Importing & Setting Flash Properties pt. 2 | (03:27) | |
Working with Flash Content in the Score | (04:53) | |
Editing Flash Cast Members | (05:55) | |
Working With Behaviors
Behaviors Overview | (06:28) | |
Navigation Behaviors | (07:02) | |
Animation Behaviors | (07:10) | |
Other Favorite Behaviors | (05:10) | |
Behavior Tips | (05:47) | |
Director Scripting Essentials | (07:02) | |
Scripting Terminology pt. 1 | (05:55) | |
Scripting Terminology pt. 2 | (06:32) | |
Scripting Syntax Tips pt. 1 | (05:25) | |
Scripting Syntax Tips pt. 2 | (06:01) | |
Some Basic but Useful Lingo Scripts pt. 1 | (04:10) | |
Some Basic but Useful Lingo Scripts pt. 2 | (04:04) | |
Working with 3D
Working with 3D Content in Director | (05:21) | |
Converting Text to 3D | (07:32) | |
Using the Shockwave 3D Window | (06:17) | |
Using 3D Behaviors pt. 1 | (03:29) | |
Using 3D Behaviors pt. 2 | (04:01) | |
Movies in a Window (MIAW)
About MIAWs | (04:23) | |
Opening & Closing MIAWs | (06:02) | |
Controlling the Appearance of MIAWs | (06:36) | |
Distributing Movies
Proper Planning of Director Projects | (06:04) | |
Previewing Movies in a Browser | (04:40) | |
About Distributing Movies & Formats | (03:36) | |
Testing Movies to Avoid Problems pt. 1 | (03:31) | |
Testing Movies to Avoid Problems pt. 2 | (05:08) | |
Creating Shockwave Content | (03:46) | |
Streaming Director Movies | (06:32) | |
Publish Settings: Formats & Projector | (05:27) | |
Publish Settings: Files | (05:23) | |
Publish Settings: Shockwave/HTML & Image pt. 1 | (05:54) | |
Publish Settings: Shockwave/HTML & Image pt. 2 | (02:26) | |
About Xtra Extensions | (05:58) | |
Managing Xtra Extensions | (03:56) | |
Wrap Up
Course Wrap Up | (03:03) | |
Where to Learn More | (06:31) | |
Author the Author | (01:25) |
Title Information / Pricing
Title: | Adobe Director 11 |
Author: | James Gonzalez |
SKU: | 33901 |
ISBN: | 1-934743-84-4 |
Release Date: | 2008-07-31 |
Price: | |
Duration: | 9.5 hrs / 107 lessons |
Work Files: |
Yes |
Captions: | Available on CD and Online University |
Compatibility: |
Vista/XP/2000, OS X, Linux QuickTime 7 |
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