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Adobe® Contribute® CS3 is a user-friendly web site and blog entry updating tool. The WYSIWIG editor allows the non-technical person to easily edit and update text, images, and videos while maintaining site integrity. Contribute uses a familiar interface that is comfortable to users without coding knowledge. Site content is edited without difficulty and the program then allows immediate publishing capabilities or reviewing options. With ease of use and affordability, web sites and blogs can be updated with current and accurate information. This useful âhow toâ course will provide important information to contribute administrators and specific step-by-step instructions for contribute editors. To begin learning Adobe® Contribute® CS3, simply click on one of the lessons.
Welcome to the VTC tutorial for the software application Adobe Contribute CS3. I'm your instructor, Melanie Hedgespeth. Contribute, in its fifth version, is an application used for editing website or blog content. This great program allows the non-techy person to easily update website information quickly and easily without fear of messing something up. You don't have to have great web design skills, blog skills or even know HTML coding to use Contribute. With its WYSIWYG interface, meaning what you see is what you get, contributors to websites can use the simple interface to update text and pictures. Contribute also allows web designers or administrators to easily set up access for contributors to websites. The administrators no longer have to worry about updating all the content on a site nor do they have to worry about people accidentally accessing areas and deleting files they shouldn't. We've all spent a lot of time fixing things that we would like to avoid. So let's work on that and contribute and allow people to only access the areas they need. It is best to watch this course from beginning to end sequentially so you can fully understand all of the learning concepts presented. This course will cover the purchasing and licensing of Contribute, the basic Contribute workflow. We will look at Contribute installation, go over that step by step and make sure that we know the basic terminology. We need a good grounding in terminology so that way we can easily look things up in the help. Next we'll get into making websites that work well with Contribute and then we'll start on the administration element and working with pages step by step. Next we'll look at inserting pdfs in Microsoft Office documents into Contribute and then we'll start working with text; text effects, stylings, spelling, etcetera. Then we'll move into working with links, email links and hyperlinks and then we'll move into more interesting items like graphics; how to make image maps from those, adding horizontal rules. And finally on the insert element, we'll insert tables and we'll look at how to work with those. Towards the end of our tutorials, we'll look at the Google search functionality and the PayPal button and finally we'll look at publishing our different pages within contribute. At the very end of everything, we'll look at templates, how to find those quickly and easily and we'll look at more preferences, keyboard shortcuts, accessibility features for Contribute CS3. This tutorial does contain work files. These files are available on the tutorial CD or for download by VTC Online University members. Remember, as you go through the movies, practice, practice, practice. As you go through each tutorial, take a minute to access the software on your PC and work with each concept learned. Even if you don't have the software yet, you can go download a trial version out on Adobe's site and still do the same things that we're doing within the tutorials. So without any further delay, let's get started learning more about Contribute CS3.