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Adobe InDesign CS6: Advanced picks up where the Beginner course left off. Long-time VTC author Brian White introduces you to InDesign's advanced features which will take your knowledge of the software to the next level. The course begins with a thorough look at text, graphic, and special-effect features before progressing through the creation of tables and long documents. Brian then shifts into InDesign's powerful interactive features. Starting with the new PDR interactive forms, the course then covers interactive PDF & SWF. The chapter on the Digital Publishing Suite shows you how to get a publication created for the iPad. The course then concludes with an introduction to e-pub documents. To begin learning today, simply click on the movie links.
Hello. My name is Brian White and I will be your guide through this InDesign CS6 Advanced Course for the Virtual Training Company. InDesign is part of Adobe's Creative Suite, it is a very powerful layout program. But as your doing the Advanced Course here I assume you know exactly what it is and have some great uses for all the features within this program. Now what I'd like to talk about in this movie is what the basic differences between our Beginner Course and our Advanced Course are. So the Beginner Course which I also authored sets up the basic navigation and interface within InDesign. It shows you how to set up pages, not just pages but Master Pages. Actually in this course we take Master Pages to a different level and look at some more advanced features when we get into the Long Document Features. We also cover some of the new features like Alternate Layouts and Liquid Layouts and the Conveyor Tool. We showed you how to do layers in the Beginner Course and also covered all the basic drawing tools and how to select and manipulate objects. All the basics of working with text including paragraph and character formatting were included. And we showed you how to work with objects, putting in fills, styles, gradient fills et cetera. And we showed you the basics of bringing in graphics and working with them. And also how to get your document out to PDF or print. So in this Advanced Course I assume that anybody taking it knows these basics. We start off with some advanced text and graphic features. Some of them aren't really that advanced but they were ones we didn't have time to cover in the Beginner Course. There are certainly some advanced features in there like conditional text and how to utilize Alpha Channels and transparencies and object layer options. We then move onto the effects. In the Beginner Course I covered basic effect like a drop shadow but we go into some detail on how all the effects can be used and some of their nuances. Then we move onto tables. Tables are very powerful in InDesign and we can use styles, table styles and cell styles to format them and that enables us to change them quickly. Spend quite a time on Long Documents. So if you're creating books or text intensive documents, that is the chapter which covers a lot of the features that make your working in that very, very effective. From there we move onto the interactive features and this is something that InDesign has really been pushing over the last few versions. We start off with a new feature Forms, Interactive Forms one of my favorite new features of InDesign CS6. It enables you to create forms which can be exported to PDF and filled out without any additional work in Acrobat. Then we move onto the Interactive PDF Features where you can create presentations. We show you how to create buttons, Show Hide Buttons and adding multimedia. Then we look at InDesign's Animation Features which is a Flash based tool. And you can create moving graphics and text in InDesign and this can be exported for use on a web page. But it is Flash which would mean that these don't work with mobile devices but I do give you the appropriate warnings in that chapter. We'll then move onto the Digital Publishing Suite. This enables you to create interactive publications for an iPad. And if you've got the right tools you can also do it for Android, iPhone and other tablet devices. And finally we finish off with E-Books. If you want to publish a book on Amazon or iBooks, this is the chapter which will give you the basics that you need to get your document out. So that's what's covered here in this Advanced Course. I do assume you know the basics and go straight through most of the features. But if you don't know them, you're probably better off starting at the Beginner and then coming back here to join us with this one.