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Whether using it for home movies shot on DV, broadcast standard uncompressed 10-bit 601 compliant, or HD video, Final Cut Pro 4 is the perfect tool for editing and exporting a wide variety of projects at virtually any resolution, or frame rate. With new features such as: scalability, advanced trimming, a multi-channel audio mixer, and support for the DVC PRO 50 broadcast format; this version allows any user to easily migrate to professional based formats. Final Cut 4 ships with four powerful complete standalone applications: LiveType, Sound Track, Compressor, and Cinema Tools, allowing users more creative possibilities than ever before. Certified Apple Trainer Nathan Haggard begins the course with lessons on capturing video and audio, importing graphics and music from CDs, following up with more advanced editing techniques: adding special effects, animating video, creating composites, and outputting video. To begin learning today, click a movie topic below.
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