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Apple Motion 3 takes the complexity out of 3D by extending the 2D tools you already use. VTC author, Brian Culp, will walk novice Motion 3 users through an intuitive approach to motion graphics creation and manipulation. After completing the course, users will have an understanding of how easy it is to create and change complex motion graphics designs through simple, drag-and-drop operations, or by sliding a fader back and forth. To begin learning Motion 3 today, simply click on the movie links.
Hey, there! Brian Culp here with the Virtual Training Company giving you a quick little introduction to Motion 3 answering that burning question that you have on your mind right now, which is what is Motion 3 anyway? What can you do with Motion 3 and what's this tutorial going to be all about? That's maybe three or four burning questions, but to answer that I've got this little video, which you should take a look at, which again, answers that burning question. Start with a little bars and tone, but do we do the fly and the logo of my production company here, you're listening to and enjoying a little background music, which you can edit in Motion as well. Again, my name is Brian Culp. This is the Virtual Training Company's Motion 3 Tutorial. Motion 3 is all about three dimensions and we're taking things that we have done in two dimensions Ð graphics, pictures and even video Ð and we are setting some of the preferences and looking at some of the basics to get you up an running so that you can work in that Third Dimension. Twist things around. Use Keyframes to make animation, Parameters to set, to govern that animation, and then Behaviors to Text to make it separate like that, to make those particles twirl all around. We'll look at how to utilize these things and some of the Templates to make cool little bumps to your shows. And in the Chapters coming up you'll first create a project. You'll create motion to the properties of that project be it a picture or a text. We'll work a lot with Text because that's what you'll do a lot in Motion. And then finally we'll Automate Workflow, look at Round Tripping. Enjoy this tutorial. There is a lot of ground to cover. You will learn a lot about this application and be making better videos and presentations and make really exciting products when you are finished.