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Autodesk AutoCAD is the worldâs most widely used Computer Aided Design (CAD) package. It lets you design, visualize and communicate your ideas with ease and efficiency. Autodesk certifications are a reliable validation of your skills and knowledge, and can lead to accelerated professional development, improved productivity, and enhanced credibility in your field. Each Autodesk certification signifies the experience and expertise of design professionals around the world. This course by VTC author, Shaun Bryant, provides you with the basic essentials needed to take and pass the AutoCAD 2009 Certified Professional exam. Work files are included. To being learning today, simply click on the movie links.
OK. So what we're going to do now is look at the Autodesk Certification website to find out exactly what we need to do to get Autodesk certified. Now, this is the AutoCAD 2009 Certified Professional tutorial, which means you should have already taken your Associate Certification for AutoCAD 2009; however, I will discuss that in this section as well. So we go to the Autodesk website first, which is backslash certification. That's backslash certification. So what we need to do there is once we're on the website is we need to look around the website and see exactly what we need to do. So I'm going to just scroll down here now and on the website itself here, as you can see, there is a program flier that we can download in PDF, we can find out more about getting certified by we need to look at our comprehensive exam guides here. And when we go to this web page, you'll see that there are comprehensive exam guides not just for AutoCAD, but for AutoCAD Architecture, Civil 3D, Inventor and Revit Architecture. You can also utilize your Autodesk official training courseware, your AOTC material that in the United States can purchase from Autodesk proficiency and assessment exams can be taken at any Autodesk authorized training center and you can also take authorized training center ATC instructor-led courses. There's plenty of resources available to you. Let's have a quick look at the exam guide. Now let's have, just a quick touch on there before we go into it in some more detail in the next section of this chapter. So AutoCAD 2009 Certified Professional Exam summary information. It's a performance-based test. Performance-based testing is defined by doing. So you take 20 questions using AutoCAD 2009 to perform a task. The passing score is 80 percent and to earn the credential of certified professional you must have also passed the Certified Associate Exam, which is a 30 question multi-choice exam based on the AutoCAD 2009 Essentials course that is run at your local ATC. The Professional Exam is a 90-minute time limit. In some countries the time limit may be extended due to localization issues such as translation and language. At the conclusion of the exam you will receive your score reports that will let you know whether you've passed or not. We will now move on to the next section where we look at the actual content of the Certified Professional Exam.