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Cascading Style Sheets is a fundamental technology of web design, and knowledge of how CSS works is essential. Regardless of whether you are using the most recent cutting-edge web authoring tool or just a plain text editor, you have to know your CSS. This VTC course provides users with a thorough examination of CSS2 with web design in mind. Ranging from fundamental concepts and hands-on application of techniques to advanced topics on Javascript & CSS and CSS3, James Street guides the way through this project-based training course. Work files are included. To begin learning today, simply click on the movie links.
Hello, and welcome to the Virtual Training Company's Video Training Course on Cascading Style Sheets 2. My name is James Street and I'll be your tour guide and instructor through this leg of your journey into the wilds of Cascading Style Sheets. I'm an IT professional by day and a jack of many trades at night. I do a lot of different things from art to graphic design to PHP, MySQL application development, so I do a lot of different things on a daily basis, but enough about me. Let's go ahead and start talking about the Course. So, this course is designed to cover a number of different objectives. Our primary objective is to provide an overview of what CSS is all about. Now we will achieve that by exploring the capabilities of CSS-based web design in place of traditional HTML-based web design and learn how CSS is coupled with HTML in the process. Now in order to maximize CSS we're going to want to learn how to effectively create our CSS rules and how to most appropriately use the selectors, properties, and values to get the design effect that we want. Also it's going to be pretty handy for us to go in and look at these practical examples of how we're going to be able use CSS in conjunction with HTML documents. So throughout this course we will be taking HTML documents and enhancing them with CSS in different ways. Also, along the way I hope to give you plenty of tips and tricks that will help make you a better CSS designer in conjunction with your HTML. And last but not least it is my hope that you will have fun exploring this powerful world of CSS. Now with that in mind, if I hit upon a certain point throughout one of these movies, feel free to pause the movie, go check it out, explore what I'm talking about and extend upon that, and learn as much as you can through that hands-on experience, and that is probably the best way that you can learn some of these things about CSS rather than just listen to somebody talk about it, or watch someone work through a number of different examples or demonstrations. It's my recommendation that you follow along with what I'm doing and then explore on your own because more than likely a question's going to pop up into your mind that may not be covered right at that moment in the movie that you're viewing. So feel free to explore and learn on your own because that's the way you're probably going to learn a lot of different things that you might not have learned just by watching these movies. So, welcome to this Training Course, and I hope you have a lot of fun learning as much as possible about Cascading Style Sheets too.