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Citrix Access Gateway is a robust, web-driven interface to allow users to access protected resources in enterprise networks. Whether you need to protect access to files, web sites, or servers, Citrix Access Gateway Advanced Edition allows you to define the levels of access for all users in your organization. In this practical, "hands-on" course, author Greg Dickinson introduces you to the components of the Citrix Access Gateway, and walks you through a lab where you will design and troubleshoot an Access Server infrastructure. To begin learning today, simply click on the movie links.
This is Citrix Access Gateway Advanced Edition. And in this video we're going to give you an overview of what the Citrix Access Gateway is and go over some of the prerequisites you'll need to get the most out of this title. First an overview of the Citrix Access Gateway Advanced Edition. Citrix Access Gateway or the CAG as we'll probably call it through out the course of this title is a Remote Access Technology. It means it allows people that are not physically on your network to access resources on your network just as if they were there. It is a VPN Technology at its core but there are some minor differences between this and other VPN Technologies and how it all dove tails with the Citrix Presentation Server. The resources that you publish through the Citrix Access Gateway are secured, meaning that you can't sniff the data off the wire, it's encrypted and its, you have proper authentication based upon either Microsoft Active Directory or with LDAP Authentication. The immigration with Active Directory is really kind of tight but if you want to do some of the more advanced topics such as put an RSA Secure ID or another type of secure token server in the mix with this as well, you'll essentially have to set up LDAP authentication against one of your Active Directory Domain Controllers. Again that is just simply a limitation of the platform. If all you're interested in is Active Directory Authentication which is what we're going to go over in this title, then all you have to do is install the product and there is no LDAP Setup necessary. We'll go over some of the prerequisites for this title. You have to have a pretty good understanding of network components, firewalls, DMZs, demilitarized zones, routers and switches for the simple reason that if you don't know how to set up firewalls in DMZs and don't know how routers and switches works you're going to have a very difficult time setting up a VPN technology. You also need to have a pretty good working of Windows Server 2003. What a domain is, how to manage the domain, how to manage users on the domain and the basics of domain security meaning group policies and other security features of Active Directory. As part of Server 2003, you'll also need to know how to administer the DNS Server and the File Shares as you see here in this bullet point. You need to have an understanding of SSL Certificates and other Security Components. Nothing really in-depth, you won't be going over asymmetric encryption or any of the real nitty gritty of how encryption works and how SSL works. But you need to know what an SSL Certificate is. You need to know basically how to request an SSL certificate from the Certificate Authority and how to install that certificate once it is generated by the certificate authority. This goes into the security components, you have to know where the certificate signing requests is and you have to know how to submit that certificate signing request to the certificate authority and again how to install the SSL Certificate once you get it back. You also need to have a basic understanding of Citrix Presentation Server and the Citrix Access Gateway Appliance. Again these are not two topics that we'll go into very in depth in this title, but you do need to know what a Presentation Server is, the different components that you can run on the Presentation Server such as a Secure Ticket Authority which is the main thing we're going to deal with when we talk about the Access Gateway Advanced Edition. And you need to know how to basically publish an application off of the Presentation Server. You need to have a working knowledge of the CAG Appliance because the Access Gateway Advanced Edition is built upon the Citrix Access Gateway Appliance and Citrix Access Gateway Appliance is just what it says. It is a one use server that you bolt into a rack in your server room, that's what actually provides full network access back into your network. Again we'll go over this more later in the title but there are really two types of network access you can get with the Access Gateway Advanced Edition you can have full network access where you're just a node on the network and you can do pretty much anything you want with limitations or you have applications that are presented through a web browser that are published from Presentation Server. Again this is why you need to have a basic understanding of how both of those work together. And this concludes the overview of the Citrix Access Gateway Advanced Edition title.