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Prepare for the CompTIA Project+ certification exam with this comprehensive course. This course will provide a thorough review of the PK0-003 2009 exam objectives, covering the full project life cycle. Specifically, you will enhance your knowledge in the following areas: project management foundation, project initiation, project planning, project execution, monitoring and controlling, and project closure. This course also provides a detailed review of the project management basics, based on industry best practices and standards. Use this course to validate your experience by preparing for and passing the CompTIA Project+ exam or simply to enhance your project management skills! To begin learning today, simply click on the movie links.
Welcome to VTC's CompTIA Project+ certification course focused on exam preparation. My name is Vanina Mangano and I will be your instructor. This comprehensive course is meant to give you a thorough review and level of understanding on the topic of Project Management, covering all that you need to know in order to prepare for CompTIA's latest Project+ Certification Exam. In this movie, I will provide you with a course Introduction, but before I do I'd like to take a moment of your time to introduce myself. I am CompTIA Project Plus Certified and I'm also certified by the Project Management Institute as a Project Management Professional, Risk Management Professional and Scheduling Professional. I specialize in Project Management training and course development and I've also had the opportunity of authoring books on project management and recently served as the Technical Editor of Wiley's latest version of the CompTIA Project+ Study Guide book. Introduction aside, let's go through the contents of this course. I mentioned that this course is focused on passing the CompTIA Project+ Certification Exam. This covers the 2009 Objectives identified as PK0-003, making it the latest update of the Objectives since 2003. There are two primary sources of material that I will be referencing throughout the course. The first is the Glossary of Terms issued by CompTIA specifically for this exam. This is a key document that you can download for free directly from their website. And the second is a Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 4th Edition, or also known as the PMBOK Guide. The Project+ exam does use several concepts from this book including the grouping of 42 project management processes and these key concepts have been embedded into this course. As part of this course, we'll be covering critical pieces of scheduling and exam content. To be more specific, here's a snapshot of what we'll be covering. We'll start off with a review of the Exam itself, information such as About CompTIA, the number of questions you can expect on the test and what the passing margin is. From there I'll go through all the Exam Domains and their corresponding Exam Objectives. We'll cover the entire life cycle of a project, so this will be a very comprehensive course. We'll first go through the Foundation of a Project, to introduce the big picture such as the overall Life Cycle, Process Groups and common Knowledge Areas of Project Management. Next, we'll talk about Project Initiation. Topics here will mov from validating project to creating a good project charter and then defining some key roles, particularly that of the Project Manager. To make sure that you have a solid understanding of the Project Management Plan before we dive into planning, we'll spend a section covering the various subsidiary plans and components that commonly make up the Project Management Plan. From there we'll move on to planning a project, covering all aspects of Planning from developing the scope and schedule, to building the budget, a communications plan and managing risk. Other topics include Project Execution, which deals quite a bit with the project team. We'll also cover Project Control, including earned value. And, finally, we'll talk about Project Closure. You can expect a wealth of Work Files in this course as well. You'll have several Exam Practice questions and a few Mindmaps included to help you put it all together. As I mentioned, we'll be going through quite a bit of material within this course and I hope that you'll find it insightful and easy to learn. And that wraps up this Introductory movie on the CompTIA Project+ Exam Preparation course Contents. I hope you enjoy the course and that after going through it you'll be able to use this information and knowledge that you get out of the course toward achieving your CompTIA Project+ Certification.