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FileMaker Server is the cornerstone of a trouble-free and performant FileMaker solution deployment. This course describes the new FileMaker Server 11. The videos outline what is new, explains in detail how to install and configure FileMaker Server and what to look out for. The section on troubleshooting and best practices will make sure you are well equipped to keep your deployment running. And since FileMaker Server lets you easily integrate your data with other applications and the web, that topic is also covered extensively. Work files are included. To begin learning FileMaker Server 11 today, simply click on the movie links.
Hi. And welcome to the VTC tutorial on FileMaker Server. My name is Wim Decorte. In this tutorial you will get an in depth look at what FileMaker Server is and how you configure it. Plus also detailed information on how to put together the best possible deployment so that once you have all of this configured it will keep on running with the best possible up time. An important section of this tutorial will be about strategies for troubleshooting when things go wrong. And to wrap things up in this tutorial we will talk about non-FileMaker technologies such as PHP and .NET or DBC that you can use to consume FileMaker data through the Web and from other Desktop applications, all of that through either regular FileMaker Server or FileMaker Server Advanced. So let's set the stage for what we are going to do. For this tutorial we will be working with FileMaker Server Advanced 11, running on Windows Server 2008 that I'm showing here through the Mac Remote Desktop client and also FileMaker Server running this Mac OS X 10.5 Leopards. Keep in mind that FileMaker Server also runs on Windows 2003 and OS X 10.4, so if you are running on either of those older platforms there might be subtle changes in what you see and what tools are available, but for the most part everything will be the same. If you want to follow along with this tutorial but you don't have FileMaker Server you can always go to the Support section on the FileMaker website right here in the Downloads and if you scroll down a bit you'll be able to download the trial software. The trial software for FileMaker Server is good for 30 days and there are no limitations so you'll get the full FileMaker Server Advanced and this trial installation can always be updated with the real FileMaker Server key as long as the trial has not expired, so as long as the trial has not expired you don't have to uninstall FileMaker Server to get the real thing. Wherever possible I will show both the Windows and Mac versions of FileMaker Server but ever since FileMaker Server 9, all FileMaker Server related things pretty much look the same on either platform. And when I say FileMaker Pro throughout the tutorial I mean both FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Pro Advanced.
- Course: FileMaker Server 11
- Author: Wim Decorte
- SKU: 34120
- ISBN: 1-936334-27-5
- Work Files: Yes
- Captions: No
- Subject: Databases
- The first 3 chapters of courses are available to play for FREE (first chapter only for QuickStart! and MasterClass! courses). Just click on the movie link to play a lesson.