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Google Apps is a service from Google which makes online collaboration with others via several Google products easy to use. It features several Web applications with similar functionality to traditional office suites, including: Documents (Docs), Spreadsheets, Presentations, Gmail, Calendar and much more. Users of Google Apps have found ways to maximize use of Google Apps and its many features, including use of Google Maps and Google Docs. This course also covers the use of Google as an Internet search tool as well as Google's new web browser - Google Chrome. This course, by Arthur Lee, assumes no prior knowledge or background of Google products. Short demonstrations of a variety of Google search and applications are provided to give users a starting point to explore the ever-changing world of Google. To begin learning today, simply click on the movie links.
Hello and welcome to VTC's course on Google Apps. Chances are you have heard of and have probably used Google as a search engine but the fact is that Google has the ability to do far more than simply search the Internet. It is filled with a series of applications known as Google Apps. In this course, we will explore many of those applications. My name is Art Lee. I have over 25 years of programming and teaching experience in the information technology field. I have authored other courses for VTC including languages such as Visual Basic, specifically Version 6 2005 and 2008. I have also authored programming in C Plus Plus courses and on Alice programming. Google Apps allows you to do so much, such as creating documents, spreadsheets and presentations all online. It allows you to share files and to collaborate with others in real time. And for security reasons, Google Apps will allow you to control who files are shared with. Google Apps allows you to store your work online for convenient access from anywhere in the world. So you won't have to be sitting at your computer or have access to your flash drive to access your files. If you've got them stored on Google Apps, then you have them wherever you may be as long as you have access to the Internet. Google Apps also allows you to organize your files. And you also will be able to use existing files that have been previously created in a variety of formats. During this course you will learn how to create a Google Apps account, how to use Google's Web search for basic and more advanced Web searching, how to use Google's E-mail program, known as Gmail. We'll also learn how to use Google's Calendar and how to use Google Docs, which is short for Google Documents. We'll also learn how to use Google Presentations and how to share those presentations, as well as Google Spreadsheets and perhaps most importantly, we'll learn how to collaborate using Google Apps. You'll also learn about Google Chrome, which is Google's Operating System/Web browser. It has the ability to perform many functions of a standard Operating System but also allows you to search the Web as a Web browser. So let's get started learning about Google Apps.