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Joomla! is a powerful content management system that gives web administrators the ability to create and maintain a website easily and efficiently. In this VTC course, author Melanie Hedgespeth will show you how to install Joomla, work through all of the administrative configurations of a Joomla site, set permissions, and integrate your site with social media platforms and smartphones. Melanie will also show you how to analyze your site data, make your site secure, and customize your Joomla installation. To begin learning today, simply click on the movie links.
Hello, and welcome to the Virtual Training Company's course on Joomla! I am Melanie Hedgespeth. Joomla! is an Open source, meaning free, content management system for websites, and it's used worldwide. You can manage and create very simple sites or extremely complex ones. I'm going to take you through all aspects of this CMS and by the end of this course, you will be able to build websites and add the functionality that you need. In this course, we will address how to work with a website from the user's standpoint, making it easy to use and cross-platform compatible. With the increasing use of tablets and smart phones, it's highly important that all sites be easily navigated and utilized no matter what platform a user is coming from. The user's side of a Joomla! site is called the frontend. We're going to also learn about the administrative elements of Joomla!. Those Admin elements will make your site easy to use, therefore causing users to want to come back whether they're on a PC, Linux, or Mac computer, or if they're on a tablet or a smartphone. This is the backend of Joomla!. We're going to learn how to work with the Control Panel, the core files, implement content, install extensions, control users and their rights, and add popular elements to today's techy world. Things like social media. I'll show you how to install Joomla! on a remote host or a local host. One way to see what Joomla! is capable of is to look at sites online that are made with the Joomla! CMS system. To see examples, you can go to the Joomla! Community Showcase. The link is up here. These examples that they provide are inspiring. They can show you what Joomla! can do and give you some wonderful ideas for your sites. Just click the link and it will take you to that Joomla! site, and click around and see what they've done. You can also look at the different categories that they have. This will give you so many ideas, and lets you see the capabilities of Joomla!. One file I will include is a links file. This will contain all the Web links I use and refer to. So, for example, this link will be on that file. The links are organized by each lesson, so go ahead and get that file opened up. It's best to go through those links after each lesson so you can solidify your learning. So we are ready to get started learning Joomla!.