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Macromedia ColdFusion MX brings increased power and flexibility to web development. With ColdFusion Components, web developers can create modular, reusable code objects, and call them internally, or through web services. This training takes you step-by-step through ColdFusion components: planning, design patterns, method structure, and much more. Instructor Darcey Spears covers object-oriented language concepts like inheritance and packaging with components, and shows you how to publish and consume your components as web services. If you want to stay current as a ColdFusion developer, you need this training! To begin learning today, simply click one of the topics below.
Welcome to the Virtual Training Companies intermediate Cold Fusion MX. I'm Darcy Spears. In this training we'll work with some of the significant new features of Cold Fusion MX. Using a sample application called "Where's Tom", we'll create Cold Fusion components and use them in our Cold Fusion Templates. New in Cold Fusion MX, components allow developers to create functionality that can be made modular And then reference either internally or as a web service. We'll use our components both ways in the administrative area of our application and as a service to another site. When we say Cold Fusion we really mean two things. Cold Fusion Application Server and Cold Fusion Markup Language. The MX version of Cold Fusion Application Server was released in 2002 and updated to 6.1 in spring of 2003. The MX version was completely rewritten from previous versions and uses Java as its backbone. Stronger, more flexible and even easier to use than before, Cold Fusion Server now integrates seamlessly with other Macromedia products such as Flash MX and Fireworks MX. Blending Flash animation with Fireworks images and Cold Fusion server side processing allows developers to create incredibly rich internet applications. Cold Fusion Markup Language or CFML is a tag-based way of sending instructions to Cold Fusion server. Resembling HTML, CFML has hundreds of tags that consolidate complex server tasks in to quick and straightforward code. Since the tags resemble HTML, the learning curve for CFML is low. And many projects can be up in running in a short period of time. Application Servers like Cold Fusion are generally used for dynamic database driven web sites like e-commerce or publishing sites. Cold Fusion's interface with databases is robust. So Cold Fusion can be used with any ODBC compliant database. For our sample application we will be using SQL Server 2000. To get the most from this training you should already know Cold Fusion basics like cf query and cf output. You should be familiar with Cold Fusion variables and how they are scoped. And with conditional processing in Cold Fusion. You should also understand basic relational data base concepts. We will look at database structure when we review the tables for "Where's Tom" but only briefly and of course you should be comfortable with HTML since all of our work will be done in and around HTML. This training we'll use Cold Fusion MX 6.1 with DreamWeaver MX 2004 as the development environment on a Windows XP operating system using IIS 5.1 as the web server. evelopment environment on a Windows XP operating system using IIS 5.1 as the web server.