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Macromedia Contribute 2 allows users and groups to update, create, and publish content to any existing website within seconds. All without knowing HTML! At the same time, Contribute 2 offers web professionals the control needed to lock down site design, layout and code. VTC author, John Kuhlman, demonstrates how to customize Contribute 2, create connections, build and edit web content, create links and tables, use templates, and administer a website. New Contribute 2 features such as FlashPaper and PayPal E-Commerce are also discussed. Save time and money by updating website content yourself. This tutorial shows how to put Contribute 2 to work for you! To begin learning today, simply click on one of the Contribute 2 lessons.
Once you finish registering your program or you have installed the trial version, the first thing you see when you launch Macromedia Contribute is the welcome screen. Now the welcome screen displays a plethora of information that can help you get started learning playing with the program. You have the ability to take a quick tour of Contribute, you can also take a tutorial that the folk from Macromedia came up with to help you along. You can also automatically create a connection to web site. And you also get some special offers that Contribute like to show you. Now you also have a little radio button down here that you can click that tells you don't show me this page again, I know what I am doing, I am ready to go, just let me get started. I would suggest to keep the welcome screen available to you for quite some time because you always finds stuff that you never thought you needed. And if you are like me it is always helpful to have someone from macromedia kind of looking over you shoulder little bit to give you some advise. So I am going to go ahead and just turn that back on and then on the left side of the welcome screen we will see we have some pages and also some information on tutorials that gets you started from anything from adding a page to your website to administrating the website. So the welcome page is essentially your initial command center where you can get started using the program.
- Course: Macromedia Contribute 2
- Author: John Kuhlman
- SKU: 33517
- ISBN: 1-932072-68-3
- Work Files: Yes
- Captions: For Online University members only
- Subject: Internet & Web Design
- The first 3 chapters of courses are available to play for FREE (first chapter only for QuickStart! and MasterClass! courses). Just click on the movie link to play a lesson.