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PDF-based forms created in Adobe LiveCycle designer provide a robust method for distributing electronic forms while maintaining design integrity. Discover the tools, commands, and palettes that LiveCycle offers that makes form creation easy. Learn how to create common form objects like text fields, check boxes, and drop down menus as well as how to work with pre-created form objects. Then follow along and see how easy LiveCycle makes it to format a form's overall look and design. Finally, create buttons to control your form and learn how to manage back-end form data. Work Files are included. To begin learning, simply click on one of the video topics.
Hi this is Jeff Blake and welcome to MasterClass LiveCycle Designer. I hope you're up for lots of PDF Form Based Creation here inside LiveCycle. Now I'm not going to waste any time, I'm going to get right into the list of topics that we are going to look at during our time together. So let's have a look here. We're going to start off with a tour of the LiveCycle Interface and you'll see a lot of the different tools and a lot of the different palettes that we have available to us and then what we'll do is we'll go about creating a brand new blank form inside LiveCycle and what we'll do is we're going to work through a process, we're going to create an entire form inside LiveCycle from this blank form so you can see exactly what goes into creating a form here inside LiveCycle. From there what we'll do is we'll get into inserting and setting properties for text fields and also how to control Form Field Validation I think you're really going to like that and then from there what we'll do is create some drop-down and some list boxes and then we'll insert some check boxes and radio groups. And then what we'll do is we'll get into inserting and formatting some tables inside LiveCycle Designer. After that we'll take a look at working with buttons, we'll create a print an e-mail, a submit and a reset button for our form and then what we'll do is we'll get into working with Custom Form Objects, using them, saving them, this sort of thing. And then what we'll do is we'll talk about something called Master Pages inside LiveCycle, I think you'll really like that and then we'll talk about inserting graphics, working with shapes and inserting some other types of form objects. And then once our form is completed I'll show you a couple of cool techniques for formatting your form and then finally how to manage that form data that gets returned to you right? So as you can see there's lots and lots to get to, so without further ado, let's get started.