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Pro Tools LE is the leading digital audio solution, providing you with simplicity, stability, and incredible sound. With Virtual Training Company's tutorial, you will soon learn how to record, edit, mix, and create your own audio sequencing. Recording artist, producer, and engineer Jonathan Kagi illustrates the elements of the interface of Pro Tools one at a time, then shows you how to combine them to create full-scale digital audio production. After thoroughly covering all the aspects of the interface, you will learn the actual operation of Pro Tools. Also included is coverage of third party plug-ins and soft synth controls and operations, making this tutorial useful to users of VST, MAS, Direct X, and RTAS platforms. This tutorial is packed with so much useful knowledge that new and veteran users of Pro Tools will benefit. You will discover many examples of the exciting projects you can create with Pro Tools in this cutting-edge venture to the world of digital audio. To get started now, simply click one of the movie topics below.
Pro Tools LE is a registered trade mark of Avid Technology incorporated and its subsidiaries and divisions. Digi design is a division of Avid Technology incorporated. Rights and permissions have been granted by Digi design for the making of this CD. All trademarks, logos and intellectual property on this CD are protected by law. For a complete list of developers, artists, musicians who contributed to the making of this CD, please watch the movie about the author and get set for a journey into the Pro Tools dimension.