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Reason is a music production software package created by a Swedish company named "Propellerhead Software." At its core, Reason is an example of a virtual instrument (something often called a "soft synthesizer" or "soft synth"). Reason not only recreates the sound of hardware-based music machines in software, but it does so by recreating the look and feel of an old-style MIDI studio where the user can patch virtual cables between modules, tweak virtual knobs and add or remove virtual synthesizers, samplers, or drum machines with an impressive degree of realism and flexibility. In addition, Reason has a sequencer that allows users to record and save their compositions. In this VTC course, Aldo Mosca, founder and director of The Sonoma Music Arts School, teaches users the ins and outs of Reason. Whether you are new to Reason, or you are looking to pick up expert tips from the pro, this course has it all. Work Files are included. To begin learning, simply click on one of the movie links.
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