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Autodesk® Revit® Structure 2010 software integrates a multimaterial physical model with an independently editable analytical model for efficient analysis, design, and documentation. Structural engineers can create their own models or import architectural files from AutoCAD® Architecture or Revit® Architecture software. Bidirectional linking to structural analysis software enables accurate model updates, while parametric change management technology coordinates those updates across your documents. You can work in any view that makes sense, quickly and easily making changes to major design elements. You can see your ideas visualized on the fly with 3D views and instant shadows. You can even make late-stage changes without worrying about coordinating your plans, schedules, and construction documents. This course is a collection of step-by-step "follow-along" lessons and will guide you and show you how Revit Structure works. Work Files are included. To begin learning today, simply click on the Autodesk Revit Structure 2010 movie links.
Hi. This is VTC's course Introduction to Autodesk Revit Structure 2010. In this Course you will learn how to design a building information model in Revit Structure. The technical training facility you will design was a product of a design competition in Munich, Germany. The lessons in this course are designed to follow the typical structural engineering workflow. In the process you will complete the following phases of design. First, you will import the architectural floor plan in either a 2D DWG format or a 3D RVT format. Next you will add basic structural elements such as beams, trusses and slabs. Then you will add more detailed modeling elements such as area and path reinforcement. You will then analyze the structure using the analytical model. After that you will create schedules, views and sheets to document the project and finally you will create detailed views, annotations and tags. The lessons are designed to be basic and brief. You will not design the entire structure but only enough of the building to learn how to use the tools and the options in the product. For example, when you add the shape modified slab you will only draw the slab on one wing of the structure. When you open a training file included in this Course you may notice that structural elements are included that were not specifically added in a previous lesson. For example, to provide a richer and more finished design elements such as additional beam systems, a metal deck on the entry roof and additional foundation elements are incorporated into subsequent training files. These elements will enhance the exercises you complete. Let's set up the Training Files shortcut. On the Recent Files window that displays when you first launch Revit Structure under Projects click Open. Then in the Open dialog browse to the location where you saved the Training Files. On Windows Vista this location is under C, Program Data, Autodesk, RST 2010. On Windows XP this location is C, Documents and Settings, All Users, Application Data, Autodesk, RST 2010. Double-click the Training Files folder then click the Tools drop-down and select Add Current Folder to Places. That will add a shortcut to the Training Files in the left area of the dialog, the Places. Next, click Cancel, then on the Revit dialog that asks if you would like to save the changes you made to the Places list click Yes. And that concludes this lesson.