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C++ is a programming language that is both procedure-oriented and object-oriented. VTC author Tim Heagarty builds on what you learned in C Programming and adds the basic structure and procedures of C++. With an emphasis on OOP you will learn constructors, classes, templates, exception handling and more. To start learning about C++ now, click on the links.
* Captions not yet available on CD version.
Hi there welcome to the Virtual Training Company, I am glad that you decided to take a look at some of C Plus Plus Programming Fundamentals, that's our video series that we are going to be looking at here for the next several hours. My name is Tim Heagarty, I am a CSSIP, CISA and MCSC and we'll define all of those things later if anybody cares in a whole other chapter. I am an application developer, been writing code since the mid 80's and now I own my own network consultancy, do a lot of IT security work and security audit and things like that. I also do quite a bit of C Plus Plus programming and that's why I'm doing this video course. Again thank you for stopping in and taking a look at this series of videos, I hope you enjoy what VTC and I have put together here for you. In this course we are going to take a look at the C Plus Plus history and some of its ancestors including the C language and BCPL and a few others like that. We will particularly study object orientation and how to understand the object orientated programming paradigm, its kind of a different way of thinking, I'll tell you that right now, but by the time you get through this series of courses, you'll be an object oriented programmer, maybe just a junior one but you'll be able to do it. We'll look at classes, objects, inner faces to objects and what all of those things mean. We'll of course take a look at the basic structure of a C Plus Plus program, but we are not going to get into all the nitty gritty of for, loops and whiles and things like that and all the typing and that sort of thing. For all of that you need to go to the VTC C programming course, all of those items the nuts and bolts of C are still with us in C Plus Plus but C Plus Plus gave us the other thing, the object orientation and some other ways to be able to program and that's what this course is all about. So if you need that lower level stuff, go back over and pick up my C programming course and run through it. We will take a look at some new special member functions like constructors and destructors. We will look at how to make some declarations and statements, because we need to know how to declare classes and define them to be able to instantiate them. That's a new term we'll learn about. We'll take a look through the C Plus Plus standard library, some of it that's included with the compiler and we'll take a look at access checking and exception handling and how to do some of those things in the C Plus Plus language. So I think it'll be a pretty good ride through the language and I think you'll, you'll learn a lot and again thank you for coming along for the ride, let's go on to the next video.