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Moodle, a Learning Content Management System, is an open-source project that you can install and use anywhere! With Moodle you can train or educate users online using a variety of methods. By virtually connecting to students you can inspire and excite them to learn. This introductory course will address Moodle from an administrative and teaching perspective. Moodle can be a very complex system, but by learning the basic elements, you can create online courses and enroll users so everyone can be a part of the virtual classroom. Take this VTC course and you will not only learn how to add courses and users to Moodle, but you will also learn how to enhance course topics with activities such as databases, wikis, and forums. To begin learning today, simply click on the movie links.
(SFX) Welcome to VTC's course for Moodle. Moodle is a learning content management system. By using Moodle you can train or educate anyone online with a variety of methods. This interactive virtual environment can be a way to inspire and excite anyone to learn. Moodle is acronym for Module Object Orientated Dynamic Learning Environment. It's a free open source software that provides the tools needed to produce an Internet based course. Within our VTC Moodle lessons we will address Moodle from an administrative perspective and from a teaching perspective. Administrators, you will learn how to do a quick install of Moodle, understand administrative elements such as course management and organization. Users and their permissions, how to deal with course enrollments maintenance and security. Teachers, you will learn how to navigate and manage your specific courses, deal with students and implement of variety of course content such as quizzes, documents and videos. Moodle is used by small to large school systems for online courses or it's used just to enhance a traditional classroom topic. It's also used by businesses both big and small for training and certification purposes for employees. If you take a look there's a course out there that's been created in Moodle for all kinds of topics. You can learn a language, you can learn geometry, Microsoft Office, networking certifications and much, much more. This open source program is applicable to any size educational system or for profit or non-profit businesses. Join me as we learn about all the excellent capabilities in Moodle that will allow you to create a dynamic learning environment.